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The Property Manager's Guide to Reducing Manual Income & Identity Verification

The Property Manager's Guide to Reducing Manual Income & Identity Verification

As a property manager, you know how time consuming and frustrating the applicant screening process can be. Collecting and reviewing tenant documentation is easily one of the most labor-intensive parts of your workflow.

But what if you could instantly verify tenant identities and incomes in real-time without the hassle of collecting endless paperwork? That's exactly what our online verification service RapidVerify aims to provide.

In this guide, we'll explain:

  • The common pains of manual verification
  • How instant online services work
  • Key benefits for property managers
  • What to look for in a provider
  • Tips for optimizing implementation

By the end, you'll understand how integrating RapidVerify can significantly reduce manual processes and speed up your screening and approvals.

The Headaches of Manual Verification

Traditionally, screening potential tenants involves lots of back and forth emails and messaging to collect necessary documents. Applicants send over various files like:

  • ID photos
  • Paystubs
  • Tax documents
  • Bank statements
  • Reference letters

You then have to download each document, review it extensively, verify identities, double check incomes, and follow up on any missing information.

Not only is this time consuming, but it also leaves room for potential errors and fraud. It's easy for applicants to falsify documents or provide misleading information that could cost you down the line.

Manual verification can drain hours from your team's week that could be better spent on more important tasks. And because it relies on collecting physical documents, you can only process applications one at a time. During a rush, this causes major bottlenecks.

Speeding Up Screening with Instant Online Verification

Now imagine replacing all that manual work with instant, real-time verification through integrated online services.

Instead of collecting photos and files, you use RapidVerify to validate identity and income details on demand.

RapidVerify's platform integrates directly with your property management software, allowing you to instantly:

  • Authenticate government-issued IDs
  • Confirm current income and employment

Our intelligent portal flags any risks or inconsistencies for your review. Once the automated process completes, you can instantly approve qualified applicants with just one click.

By removing the busywork, RapidVerify significantly speeds up your workflows and reduces time spent verifying candidates manually.

Key Benefits for Property Management Teams

Transitioning to our online verification integration provides multiple concrete benefits:

  1. Faster screening - Our automated checks typically process qualified candidates in minutes rather than days. No more waiting around for documents.
  2. Reduced manual work - With the busywork removed, your team saves dozens of hours per week previously spent downloading and reviewing files.
  3. Lower risk - Automation reduces human error, while real-time checks identify any red flags or fraudulent information.
  4. Increased productivity - Your team can focus on more valuable tasks like property maintenance, resident relations and leasing.
  5. Higher occupancy rates - Faster turnaround means vacant units get leased quicker, increasing occupancy and revenues.
  6. Better applicant experience - Tenants enjoy a smoother, faster process without constantly submitting documents.
  7. Detailed audit trails - All verification activity gets logged securely in the platform for easy reference.

According to surveys of our customers, most report cutting manual verification work by over 80% after integration. And 9 out of 10 said it noticeably sped up their average application turnaround.

What to Look for in a Provider

If you're looking to implement instant online verification, here are key factors to evaluate:

  • Integrations - The system should integrate directly into your existing property management platforms and databases. APIs and dedicated support make this seamless.
  • Data sources - More data sources means more comprehensive screening. Optimal providers check 100+ sources including government agencies, credit bureaus, eviction databases, and more.
  • Security - Strict data encryption, access controls, and compliance procedures ensure airtight security.
  • Accuracy - Advanced matching algorithms minimize false positives and ensure maximum accuracy.
  • Automation - The best systems run automated checks in the background and flag any issues, minimizing manual reviews.
  • Customer support - Look for US-based support teams available to help optimize your workflows.
  • Pricing model - Avoid setup fees or rigid long term contracts. Optimal models base pricing simply on verification volume.

RapidVerify checks every box when it comes to features, security, and support.

Tips for Optimizing Implementation

Integrating an online verification system is straightforward, but following best practices ensures you maximize the benefits:

  • Start slow - Run a limited pilot first with a small team to work out any kinks before expanding.
  • Customize workflows - Configure your portal with specialized workflows to fit your standard screening process.
  • Train staff - Walk your team through the system so everyone understands the streamlined workflows.
  • Set expectations - Let tenants know upfront to expect online verification checks for speedier review.
  • Review flags - Set guidelines on what risk levels require further manual review by your team.
  • Monitor analytics - Check your portal regularly to see usage data and optimize where needed.
  • Follow up frequently - Contact support at the onset to resolve any issues immediately.

Take advantage of RapidVerify's dedicated customer success team. Our experts will support implementation, configuration, training, and optimization.

Say Goodbye to Manual Verification

Manual verification creates far too much repetitive work for property management teams. And it slows down the applicant experience.

By integrating RapidVerify's online identity and income confirmation, you can:

  • Slash time spent on administrative tasks
  • Reduce human error and fraud risks
  • Speed up applicant turnaround drastically
  • Increase occupancy rates for vacant units

If you're interested in learning more about automating verification, please reach out. We're happy to provide a custom demo and discuss how we can optimize your specific workflows.

The sooner you can ditch the busywork of manual reviews, the better for your team's productivity and your bottom line. RapidVerify makes that possible with instant, accurate online verifications in real-time. 
